Check out our online services (see "Online Services" under the Town Government tab). You can register your vehicle, snowmobile, ATV, Boat, and make property tax payments all online. These things can also be done through the mail. Give Kim, Sue or Corrine a call at 207-435-4361 to discuss options.
To view Office Hours, click here: Office Personnel, Town of Portage Lake, Maine
The Town is looking for a Code Enforcement Officer & Licensed Plumbing Inspector. See "Employment Opportunties" under the Town Goverment tab for details.
August 31: Annual Ring of Fire, dusk. Lake-side property owners are encouraged to have a campfire to "Ring the Lake" with fire during this annual tradition. Invite friends & famliy over to help cap off the summer! Campfires must abide by State laws, contact the Forest Service for clarification. This event is sponsored by the Portage Lake Association
September 5: Special Select Board meeting, 6 pm, Town Hall Conference Room. This meeting is open to the public. Agenda.
September 18: Regular Select Board meeting, 6 pm, Town Hall Conference Room. This meeting is open to the public.